Kustwacht verkenningsvliegtuig vond vermiste vissers op open zee

Kustwacht verkenningsvliegtuig vond vermiste vissers op open zee
De Metal Shark nadert het vermiste bootje om hen op sleeptouw te nemen

KRALENDIJK- Hoewel in eerste instantie de Kustwacht helikopter werd ingeschakeld om de twee vermiste vissers op het bootje My Own Business op te sporen, was het uiteindelijk het Dash-8 verkenningsvliegtuig van de Kustwacht, die de twee wist op te sporen. 

Nadat de helikopter niet in staat bleek de mannen op open zee te lokaliseren, nam patrouillevliegtuig van de Kustwacht in de ochtenduren de zoekactie van de helikopter over en kamde het hele gebied af. 

In de middaguren kreeg de bemanning van de Dash de boot eindelijk in zicht nabij noordoost Bonaire. Direct na het vinden van de boot met de vissers werden zowel de helikopter als een Metal Shark patrouilleboot naar de locatie gedirigeerd om polshoogte te nemen. 


Beide mannen waren in goede staat van gezondheid en mankeerden niks. De helikopter bemanning voorzag de mannen van drinkwater en bleef in de buurt van het vaartuig tot de patrouilleboot arriveerde. 

Bij aankomst van de Metal Shark bij de boot werd deze op sleeptouw genomen en veilig naar Bonaire gesleept.

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26 gedachten over “Kustwacht verkenningsvliegtuig vond vermiste vissers op open zee”

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  8. Hi there! I just read through your post, and I wanted to let you know how insightful I found it! You’ve touched on some key aspects that are often overlooked, and I really liked how clearly you explained everything. It struck a chord with me, and I’m sure others will find it beneficial as well. I’ve been discussing a similar topic on my site, where I focus on [mention relevant subject]. It would be great to hear your thoughts! Thanks again for providing such great content, and keep up the awesome work!

  9. Hi there! I just finished reading your article, and I have to say it was incredibly insightful! You covered some really key points that many people tend to overlook. I particularly appreciated how you explained everything so clearly—it really resonated with me. I’m sure many others will find it valuable too. I’ve been discussing a similar topic on my site, where I focus on [mention relevant subject]. It would be great to hear your thoughts on it! Thanks again for sharing this content, and keep up the awesome work!

  10. Hi! I just wrapped up reading your post, and I wanted to say how insightful it was! You covered some crucial points that are often missed, and I found the way you explained everything to be very engaging. It definitely resonated with me, and I’m sure it will resonate with others as well. I’ve been exploring a similar topic on my website, where I discuss [mention related subject]. It would be great to hear your thoughts on it! Thanks for sharing this, and keep up the excellent work!

  11. Hello! I just went through your article, and I have to say it was incredibly insightful! You’ve brought attention to some crucial points that often don’t get enough recognition, and I appreciated how clearly you laid everything out. It really resonated with me, and I believe many others will find it useful too. I’ve been discussing something similar on my website, where I cover [mention relevant subject]. It would be great to hear your thoughts on it! Thanks for sharing such valuable information. Keep up the excellent work!

  12. Hey there! I just finished reading your post, and I wanted to tell you how insightful it was! You touched on some key points that don’t always get enough attention, and I really liked how you explained it all. It definitely resonated with me, and I’m sure many others will find it useful as well. I’ve been discussing something similar on my website, where I explore more on the topic. It would be great to hear your take on it! Thanks for sharing this valuable content. Keep up the excellent work!

  13. Hi! I just read through your post, and I wanted to say how insightful I found it! You’ve covered some really important points that often go unnoticed, and I appreciated how you laid it all out. It’s something that resonated with me personally, and I’m sure others will find it just as useful. Coincidentally, I’ve been exploring a related topic on my own site, where I discuss [mention related subject]. I’d love to hear what you think! Thanks for sharing such valuable information, and keep up the great work!

  14. Hello there! I just wrapped up reading your article and wanted to say how insightful it was! You’ve touched on some key aspects that I think are often missed, and I loved how you explained everything in such a clear and relatable way. It’s a topic that really hit home for me, and I’m sure it’ll benefit a lot of readers as well. I’ve been writing about something similar on my website, where I explore [mention relevant content], and I’d love to hear your thoughts! Thanks again for sharing, and keep up the great work!

  15. Hey there! I just finished reading your post and wanted to say how insightful it was! You’ve covered some really important points that aren’t often discussed, and I found your explanations to be particularly engaging. It’s a topic that resonated with me, and I’m sure it will resonate with others too. I’ve been working on something similar on my site, where I explore [mention relevant content]. It would be great to hear your thoughts on it! Thanks for sharing such valuable information. Keep up the excellent work!

  16. Hello! I just went through your article, and I have to say it was incredibly insightful! You’ve brought attention to some crucial points that often don’t get enough recognition, and I appreciated how clearly you laid everything out. It really resonated with me, and I believe many others will find it useful too. I’ve been discussing something similar on my website, where I cover [mention relevant subject]. It would be great to hear your thoughts on it! Thanks for sharing such valuable information. Keep up the excellent work!

  17. Hello there! I just wrapped up reading your article and wanted to say how insightful it was! You’ve touched on some key aspects that I think are often missed, and I loved how you explained everything in such a clear and relatable way. It’s a topic that really hit home for me, and I’m sure it’ll benefit a lot of readers as well. I’ve been writing about something similar on my website, where I explore [mention relevant content], and I’d love to hear your thoughts! Thanks again for sharing, and keep up the great work!

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